Hubcaps are what we do and we are dedicated to giving you as much information as possible to make it easy for you to find the perfect hub caps or wheel covers for your car. Your hubcaps hunting and research for your new replica or factory hub caps can stop right here. We will give you all of the help or advice that you might need choosing the hubcaps that are right for you. We carry both imports and domestic, aftermarket, kustom or you can choose your caps by wheel size from our large selection. We pride ourselves on quality. All of our wheelcovers are carefully inspected for quality before being professionally packed into shipping boxes and shipped out to you. Just choose one of the hubcap links to get started! Hubcaps and Wheel Covers have been Hub Cap Mike's business since 1992. Replica Wheel Covers, Custom Hub Caps and Vintage Cap for your car, truck or van. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Fast Hubcap Shipping! Wheel Covers ordered on business days before noon PST are shipped the same day. We carry replacement original used hubcaps also Toyota and more. Call us for the car, Ford Van hubcaps or truck caps that you're looking for (714) 685-8801! We have Scionand kustom wheelcovers, (vintage, classic car, hot rod, lowrider, street rod hub caps), including Cadillac, 50 Merc,Smoothie, Crossbar, Starburst Fiesta, Lancer Hub Caps, Hollywood Spinner wheelcover, Racing Disc wheel cover, Olds,Ripple Disc, Trim Rings and Baby Moons. Or get an automotive imposter Chevy hubcap also, Crown Victoria, Plymouth, PT Cruiser, Scion, Caravan, Intrepid Chevrolet, Dodge, Chrysler and Ford, Pontiac, Mercury, Nissan, Honda Wheelcovers,Volkswagen, Toyota hubcaps, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Volvo, VW, GMC, Jeep, Mazda and PT Cruiser hubcaps.

Tristan and I pulled over and made a foray into this gem of a Maine roadside establishment.Used Hubcaps