Tuesday, 25 December 2012



Many towers say that using safety chains is too much of a hassle and takes too much time. It’s true, it will take a few extra minutes to attach them, but imagine the inconvenience and problems you’d have if a towed vehicle did break away from your truck and cause an accident. With the right equipment and a little practice, attaching safety chains can be both quick and easy.First of all, make your safety chains accessible. Hang them in a toolbox or store them in a separate bag so you won’t have to dig for them. Make your attachment points on your truck reachable. Attachment points that are too high or too hard to reach won’t get used. Solve this by storing your safety chains in steel storage boxes on the back of your truck. The safety chain stays permanently attached in the box while the box also serves to protect your chains from damage and weather. Many manufacturers supply trucks with these boxes as standard equipment. If not, you can retrofit your truck by welding your own boxes to the back. Then it’s just a matter of pulling one end of the safety chain out of the box and attaching them to your customer’s vehicle. Or you may want to weld grab hooks or chain latches like our DK6 to various locations on the back of your truck. So that no matter what the situation you’ll have a safety chain attachment point handy. Making safety chain use easy encourages their use. It’s that simple.











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